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This piglix contains articles or sub-piglix about Tim Hortons
piglix posted in Food & drink by Galactic Guru

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Tim Hortons Brier

imageTim Hortons Brier

The Tim Hortons Brier, or simply (and more commonly) the Brier, is the annual Canadian men's curling championship, sanctioned by the Canadian Curling Association (CCA). The current event name refers to its main sponsor, the Tim Hortons coffee and doughnut shop chain. "Brier" originally referred to a brand of tobacco sold by the event's first sponsor, the Macdonald Tobacco Company.

The Brier has been held since 1927, traditionally during the month of March. The winner of the Brier goes on to represent Canada at the World Championships of the same year. The Brier is regarded by most curlers as the world's premier curling championship. Many Canadian teams feel it is more of a privilege to win the Brier than the World Championship. The Brier is by far the best supported curling competition in terms of paid attendance, attracting crowds far larger than even those for World Championships held in Canada.

In 1924, George J. Cameron, the president of W. L. Mackenzie and Company of the Macdonald Tobacco Company pitched the idea of a national curling championship to Macdonald Tobacco and was accepted. However, at the time Canadian curling was divided between the use of granite and iron curling stones with the latter being used in Quebec and Eastern Ontario and the former being used everywhere else. The granite camp held the advantage, as Macdonald Tobacco President Walter Stewart brother, T. Howard Stewart (also of Macdonald Tobacco) supported the use of granites, and was able to influence the decision for the new national championship to use granite stones.

Before the creation of the Brier, Macdonald Tobacco would begin by sponsoring the 1925 Manitoba Bonspiel, the provincial championship. The winner of this tournament would be sent to Eastern Canada to compete in a number of exhibition games against local teams. In 1926, the winners of the Bonspiel were sent to play in the Quebec Bonspiel. This visit was deemed popular enough to spur on the idea of a national championship to be held the year following. The first Brier would be held at the Granite Club in Toronto. Eight teams would play in the first Brier, from across the country. One team would represent Western Canada, while one team would represent the provinces of Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, while an additional entry was given to Northern Ontario and one each for the cities of Toronto and Montreal. Games in the 1927 Brier would last 14 ends in length, and each team would play all the other teams in a 7-game round robin with no playoffs unless there was a tie for first. The first winning team would be from Nova Scotia, a rink skipped by Murray Macneill. The other four curlers on the team - Al MacInnes, Cliff Torey and Jim Donahue - were normally skips in their own right - but were added to the Macneill rink because the rest of his normal team could not make the trip.


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Tim Hortons Classic

imageTim Hortons Classic

The WFG Masters of Curling is a Grand Slam event on the men's and women's World Curling Tour. It is the first Grand Slam event on the women's and men's tour. The event is an amalgamation of the men's World Cup of Curling and the women's Sun Life Classic. There was also a men's Sun Life Classic, which has been discontinued. The Sun Life Classic was an annual WCT event (but not a Grand Slam event) held every November at the Paris Curling Club, Brant Curling Club and the Brantford Golf & Country Club in the Brantford, Ontario area. The World Cup was a Grand Slam event and was held in various locations across Canada, and was also previously known as the Masters.

The first incarnation of the event with both men and women was held in 2012 at the Wayne Gretzky Sports Centre and the Brantford Golf & Country Club in Brantford, Ontario.


Past champions are listed as follows:


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Tim Hortons Field

imageTim Hortons Field

Tim Hortons Field is a multi-purpose stadium in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. The stadium is a Canadian football stadium that replaced Ivor Wynne Stadium and a soccer venue for the 2015 Pan American Games, which were hosted by Toronto and the surrounding Greater Golden Horseshoe region. During the Pan American Games, it was referred to as CIBC Hamilton Pan Am Soccer Stadium. The stadium opened in September 2014. Its original anticipated completion date was June 30, 2014.

Initial plans for the stadium were for it to be a principal Pan American stadium for soccer and track and field/athletics events. However, disputes between the Tiger-Cats owner, Bob Young, the organizers of the 2015 Pan American Games, and the City of Hamilton arose over the location of the stadium, among other things, including whether or not a running track should be built around the proposed stadium in Hamilton.

In 2012, the 2015 Pan-Am organizers indicated that, due to financial constraints, they would be shifting their focus toward venues and "clusters" that could be used for multiple events, which might eliminate the need for a new stadium that would be used only for soccer, and they proposed another stadium on the campus of York University, tentatively named York Athletics Stadium, to host the track and field events. That, coupled with a scheduling process that had soccer and rugby sevens events on different days (thus opening the possibility that Toronto's BMO Field, which would house the rugby sevens contests in 2015 and might also be able to host the soccer contests), had the potential to put the Hamilton stadium project in jeopardy. Nonetheless, the Hamilton stadium project went forward as planned.


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Timbits is the name of a bite-sized fried dough confectionery sold at the Canadian-based franchise Tim Hortons. They were introduced in April 1976.

The word Timbit is a play on the word "tidbit" (a delicate bit or morsel of food). As of 2009, they are available in various flavors that differ from store to store. Flavors include, but are not limited to, chocolate glazed, jelly filled, dutchie, honey dip, sour cream glazed, old-fashioned plain, old fashion glazed, blueberry, strawberry, raspberry, lemon, apple cider, orange-tangerine, creamy caramel, cherry cake, birthday cake, honey cruller, pumpkin spice, toasted coconut, and apple fritter. For Tim Hortons's 50th anniversary, "birthday cake" doughnuts and Timbits were sold for a limited time and given out for free on May 17, 2014- the Timbits being available first in the United States.

Other doughnut chains in Canada and the United States sell virtually identical products, often called "doughnut holes". The majority of Canadians generally use the Timbits trademark to designate the product, while French-speaking Quebecers and Acadians prefer to use the generic term "trous de beigne". In francophone Tim Hortons's usage, however, they are still called Timbits.

Chocolate timbits


Timbits in the USA

Timbits also refers to participants in the Timbits Minor Sports Program, a community program sponsored by Tim Hortons for local sports teams involving children aged four to eight years. The program places an emphasis on learning the sport and building friendships among the participants.


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https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Tim Hortons logo (original).svg


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https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Tim Hortons logo (original).svg


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