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This piglix contains articles or sub-piglix about Brand name confectionery
piglix posted in Food & drink by Galactic Guru

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Omar (candy)

Omar is a caramel candy manufactured by Fazer Confectionery of Finland. Ingredients used in the manufacture of the confectionery are milk, sugar, glucose syrup, hydrogenated vegetable oil, milk fat, stabilizer (E420), salt and vanillin aroma. Omar is sold in 220 gram bags.

Omar was originally Chymos confectionery product company, which began to be produced in 1966. The Omar name probably chose the artist-writer Aimo Vuorinen, who served as Chymos packaging designer. The market has also been a Strawberry-Omar, Coffee-Omar and Omar hard-candy. Today, there is only a traditional Omar, which is part of Fazer's Classic series. Omar-tasting ice cream is also prepared.


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Ovalteenies are round sweets made of compressed Ovaltine. They are popular with children in Australia and the Philippines and are still sold in many canteens in schools.

The Ovalteenies themselves were changed to being oval in shape during the early 2000s, as it seemed more appropriate, fitting the name from which it derived: from the Latin ovum (or egg). However, popular demand later led to the sweets' production reverting to their original circular shape.


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Panda (Finnish company)

Panda Oy is a Finnish confectionery company based in Vaajakoski, Jyväskylä. The company was founded in 1920 by SOK (Suomen Osuuskauppojen Keskuskunta). Panda is known for its liquorice and chocolate products.

In 2005, the company was sold to Felix Abba, which is part of the Norwegian Orkla Group.


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Pantteri (Finnish for "panther"), sold in Sweden as Katten (Swedish: "Cat"), is a brand of Finnish salmiakki candy, made by Fazer.

Pantteri candies were first invented in 1965 as small, black salmiakki and liquorice gum drops in a typical cardboard candy box, with a picture of a panther on the box cover. A sugar coating was later added to the drops, slightly altering their taste.

The most famous form of Pantteri, however, is the larger, sugar coated disc-shaped candies sold in a plastic bag, also with a picture of a panther on it. At first only salmiakki Pantteri candies were available, but in the 1990s Fazer introduced a fruit-flavoured version of Pantteri, "Pantteri Mix" (containing red, yellow and green fruit candies and normal salmiakki candies).

In the 2000s, the Pantteri drops sold in boxes were reverted to the original 1965 version, without the sugar coating. The text on the box says "Original Pantteri drops from 1965".

Later additions include "Lumipantteri Mix" (Finnish for "snow panther") in summer 2006, "Pantteri Mix" candies with white coating, "Musta Pantteri" (Finnish for "black panther"), which has a slightly higher ammonium chloride content than the regular salmiakki Pantteri, and "Pantteri Black Shot", candies with a salty liquorice filling.

Discontinued variations include "Yöpantteri Mix" ("night panther") featuring fruit and salmiakki candies, shaped like panthers, stars and moons and "Rock Pantteri Mix", containing many different salty liquorice and fruit candies.

Visible advertising campaigns are an important part of Pantteri's publicity image. They were awarded as best advertising campaign in Finland twice, in 1999 and 2000. One advertising campaign featured a fictional latino character called "El Pantero", sporting advertising slogans in mock Spanish such as "El Pantero baila" and "Baila y come". The current advertising campaign promotes "Panthóur", a humorous variation of the popular parkour sport.


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Parma Violets

Parma Violets are an iconic British violet-flavoured tablet confectionery manufactured by the Derbyshire company Swizzels Matlow. The sweets are hard, biconcave disc-shaped sweets, similar to the Fizzers product from the same company but without their fizziness. Swizzels Matlow have also released a line of Giant Parma Violets.

Ingredients include sugar, stearic acid, modified starch, glucose syrup, and anthocyanin.

The petals of violets have long been used in herbalism for their medicinal properties, even mentioned by Dioscorides. "Violet tables", a sugary lozenge flavoured with violets, was made before 1620. During the 18th century, crushed violet petals, rosewater and sugar were combined to make an early type of candy known as flower pastry. These could be used for flavouring a cake, or moulded into pastils and eaten as sweets. In the Edwardian era, violet flavored chocolate and liquor were used to relieve sickness.

Parma Violets were created in 1946 by the Derbyshire company Swizzels Matlow. They are sweets that are hard, biconcave discs, based on similar aniseed candy traditionally consumed in India after a spicy meal. Their flavour has been described as sweet with a soapy or floral taste. The current recipe includes sugar, stearic acid, modified starch, glucose syrup, and anthocyanin.


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Pastiglie Leone

Pastiglie Leone is an Italian Candy manufacturer of candies, jellies, gummy sweets, liquorice, fine chocolate and sugar- and calorie-free pastilles. The candies are produced in a variety of flavors.

Pastiglie Leone was founded by Luigi Leone in 1857 in Alba before moving to Turin. The company also was an Italian Royal Warrant of Appointment holder.

Many flavors are offered by Pastiglie Leone including: Absinthe, Alpine Herbs, Anise, Balsamic, Currant, Blueberry, Cedar Mint, Cedar Sage, Cinnamon, Cloves, Chamomile, Coffee, Fernet, Gentian, Green Tea, Lemon, Liquorice, Mint, Orange, Orange blossom, Polar Relief (Menthol and Eucalyptus), Propolis (Honey), Raspberry, Rhubarb, Spices, Strawberry, Tangerine, Vanilla, and Violet.


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PayDay (confection)


PayDay is a candy bar consisting of salted peanuts rolled in caramel surrounding a firm nougat-like center. It is currently produced by The Hershey Company.

PayDay was first introduced in 1932 by Frank Martoccio. Martoccio founded the F.A. Martoccio Macaroni Company, and also later served as head of the Hollywood Candy Company. Hollywood also produced the ZERO bar. In 1938, Hollywood moved to Centralia, Illinois. In 1967, the Martoccio family sold Hollywood Brands to Consolidated Foods, which later became Sara Lee. Fire destroyed the Centralia plant in 1980. Production of the PayDay bar continued with help from the L.S. Heath and Sons Company until a new facility could be constructed. In 1988, Hollywood Brands was acquired by the Leaf Candy Company, and then later became part of The Hershey Company in 1996

PayDay variations include a Honey-Roasted limited edition in 2003, the PAYDAY PRO, a high protein energy bar in 2005, and the PayDay Chocolatey Avalanche, a chocolate-covered version, in 2007. For a promotion in 1989, PayDays each contained an individually wrapped nickel.

A PayDay is mentioned in Cheech & Chong's Ralph and Herbie sketch that appears on the Big Bambu album. Herbie notices that Ralph has sat on something which is stuck in his fur and so pulls it off. Ralph then asks what it was and Herbie says "I think it was a PayDay"


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Paynes Poppets

Paynes Poppets or Poppets is confectionery manufactured by Fox's Confectionery, first introduced in 1937 by Payne's fine confectionery in Croydon, comes in six different flavours (Mint, Choc Chip Cookie, Toffee, Raisin, Orange and Strawberry Milkshake). The Orange and Mint varieties are made of a fondant centre with a dark chocolate covering, the Choc Chip Cookie, Toffee and Raisin varieties have their filling coated with milk chocolate. The Strawberry Milkshake flavour is a fondant like Orange and Mint, but with a milk chocolate coating. During 2009, ten million Poppets were consumed each week.

Poppets are best known for their iconic packaging in small, 40 gram, cardboard boxes. When other confectionery moved to plastic wrappers in the 1960s and 1970s, Poppets retained their traditional boxes. The box has a small hatch in one corner that can be torn open to dispense the sweets one at a time, this 'popping out' having given them their original name. The non-rustling packaging, and the ability to dispense single sweets in the dark, made them a popular snack in cinemas which remain one of their most popular sales outlets. The box was redesigned in 2006 with new printed designs, themed with other design icons such as the Mini and a NatWest Piggy Bank. While 150 gram sharing sized bags can now be bought, Poppets remain best known for their box.

George Payne & Co. began production in the East End of London, before moving to Croydon Road, Croydon in the 1930s. In 1998 it was purchased by Northern Foods. In 2001 the closure of the Croydon factory was announced, as part of a deal by Northern Foods to take over the Fox's factory in Leicester from Nestlé and relocate Poppet production there.


