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1968 in Afghanistan

See also: 1967 in Afghanistan and 1969 in Afghanistan.

In domestic affairs the year is marked by a thorough overhaul of the judicial system by the new Supreme Court; this involves reorganizing the powers and functions of the lower courts in line with the requirements of the constitution. In economic affairs the policies laid down in 1967 for encouraging investors in the private sector by substantial inducements - tax holidays, free import of capital goods, and protective tariffs – are continued. Government investment is again directed to the completion of projects begun under the second development plan and to the encouragement of heavy industry. The emphasis is again on consolidation rather than on beginning new projects, and on the gradual replacement of foreign aid by increased exploitation of national resources.

The Soviet Premier, Alexei Kosygin, visits Kabul. The visit is brief, and appears to imply no more than a continuation of the already substantial Soviet aid to heavy industry and communications.

French Prime Minister Georges Pompidou pays a visit to Afghanistan.

