Dhaka University was the centre for development of Independence of Bangladesh. Dhaka University greatly contributed to the liberation of Bangladesh.
In March 1971, the Pakistani Armed Forces chief General Yahya Khan and the politician Zulfikar Ali Bhutto launched Operation Searchlight to demolish the independence demand of East Bengalis.
The Pakistani army convoy that attacked Dhaka University on 25 March 1971 included 18 Panjabi, 22 Pashtun, 32 Panjabi regiment and several battalions. Armed with heavy weapons such as tanks, automatic rifles, rocket launchers, heavy mortar, light machine gun, they encircled Dhaka University from east (unit 41), from south (unit 88) and from north (unit 26).
At the beginning of Operation Searchlight 10 teachers of Dhaka University were killed.
Professor Fajllur Rahman and his two relatives were killed at building 23 situated at Nilkhet. Professor Rahman’s wife escaped because she was not in the country. The Pakistani army also attacked the house of Professor Anwar Pasha and Professor Rashidul Hassan (English Department). Both of them survived by hiding under beds, but were killed later on the verge of war by Al-Badar militia. Professor Rafiqul Islam of Bangla literature department was at building 24. Two wounded women with their children stayed in the entrance of the building for some time. When the army came they found blood on the stairs and, surmising that other groups had done the massacre, left. This way Professor Rafiqul escaped. Later he stated that there had been one East Pakistani professor at that building, who left home before 25 March. All other non-Bengali families did the same without informing others.