The Autorité régionale de transport métropolitain (ARTM) is responsible for all park and ride lots in Montreal and its surrounding area. It operates 61 lots, many that are adjacent to metropolitan bus terminals, commuter rail stations, or STM Metro stations.
In 2012, over 60% of all ARTM park and ride lots for cars had an usage rate over 75%, with 1 in 5 being used over 90%.
The following are the specific ARTM park and ride lots in Montreal and its surrounding area.
STM Métro de Montréal stations with Park and Ride lots:
RTM Commuter Train stations with Park and Ride lots:
The ARTM also offers 433 spaces specially reserved for carpooling in its park and ride lots. In operation since 2005, the ARTM Carpool program helps to relieve the demand for parking by reserving seats for customers who carpool in the majority of the park and ride lots.
In addition to the reserved carpool spaces, many park and ride lots also include a number of specific drop-off spaces, nearest to the point of transfer to other modes of transportation (bus, metro, train.)