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Adil Zamil Abdull Mohssin Al Zamil

Adel al Zamel
Born (1963-08-23)August 23, 1963
Kuwait City, Kuwait
Detained at Guantanamo
Alternate name Adil Zamil Abdull Mohssin al Zamil
Adel al Zamel
ISN 568
Status Repatriated to Kuwait, charged, tried, acquitted

Adel al Zamel (عادل عبدالمحسن الزميل) is a citizen of Kuwait who was held in extrajudicial detention in the United States Guantanamo Bay detention camps, in Cuba.

Joint Task Force Guantanamo counter-terrorism analysts report that Al Zamel was born on August 23, 1963, in Kuwait City, Kuwait.

Al Zamel was captured in Pakistan in February 2002 and he was transferred to Kuwait on November 2, 2005.

Adel al Zamel was among the eleven captives covered in the July 2008 "Petitioners' Status Report" filed by David J. Cynamon in Al Odah v. United States on behalf of the four remaining Kuwaiti prisoners in Guantanamo. Seven other prisoners were to the case, which charged that none of the men had been cleared for release, even though the government had completed factual returns for them—and those factual returns had contained redacted sections.

The decision, striking down the Military Commissions Act, was handed down on June 12, 2008.

Al Zamil was one of five Kuwaitis repatriated to Kuwaiti custody on November 4, 2005.

The five stood trial in a Kuwaiti court, and were acquitted.

The Washington Post reported that the two main charges were that the detainees had helped fund Al Wafa, an Afghan charity with ties to Al Qaeda, and that they had fought alongside the Taliban. Further, the prosecution argued that the detainees actions had endangered Kuwait's political standing and its relations with friendly nations.

The detainees' defense had argued that testimony secured in Guantanamo could not be used in Kuwaiti courts, because the detainees and interrogators hadn't signed them. Further, they had argued, the allegations the USA had directed at them weren't violations of Kuwaiti law.

Al Zamil's trial began in March 2006, and he was acquitted on July 22, 2006.

