John Birmingham's Axis of Time trilogy features several major characters and many minor characters also.
Born in 1969, Admiral Kolhammer served in the First Gulf War and is the Commander of UNPROFLEET. He is an American of German extraction and Jewish ethnicity. By the Transition Act 1942, Admiral Kolhammer is the Commandant of the 'Zone
Head of the Australian Contingent and Commanding Officer of the Second Cavalry, and the highest-ranked Army officer mentioned so far, Brigadier Barnes' billet was possibly the overall command of UNPROFLEET's Land Forces.
Brigadier Barnes was named after a long-time friend of Birmingham
Karen Halabi is the CO of HMS Trident, Deputy Commander of UNPROFLEET and Head of the British Contingent. She is the daughter of a Pakistani father and a British mother. She joined the navy to escape from her abusive father. She is a strong-minded and skilled commander. During the events of the books, her mixed heritage and female gender cause problems with several people in the British high command who see her as unfit to command; however she gains the support of Winston Churchill and the British Royal Family.
CO of the 82nd Marine Expeditionary Brigade, Jones is a recipient of the Medal of Honor for rescuing the crew of an incapacitated M1A2 Abrams tank. He was married to a Frenchwoman who worked for Médecins Sans Frontières named Monique Danton. Her brother was a seaman assigned to the Robert Dessaix, and after it joined the German side, there was a backlash against Jones.
Executive Officer and later Captain of the USS Hillary Clinton, the Texan's next assignment is to take over production of fighter planes in The Zone. After the Clinton's refit, Captain Judge was once again her Captain as she sailed into harm's way. During the interval between Designated Targets and Final Impact, Judge married the British Captain Karen Halabi.