The Adventure Skills are a set of 81 badges developed as part Scouting Ireland's ONE Programme. There are nine skills: Sailing, Rowing, Paddling (Kayaking, Canoeing and Rafting), First aid, Camping, Pioneering, Backwoods, Hillwalking and Air with 9 stages within each of these skills. The badges are awarded based on demonstrated competencies at a given level for a given skill. Scouting Ireland established a memorandum of understanding with recognised external organisations (in both the Republic and the North) such as Irish Sailing Association, Canoeing Ireland, and Mountaineering Ireland to develop the respective criteria, and for those skills in which Scouting Ireland is a natural leader (Camping, Backwoods, Pioneering), the criteria were developed in-house. Paddling, Sailing and Rowing form a large part of the Sea Scout programme, and the Air adventure skill is derived from Air Scouting. Badges are open to all programme sections, although some of the higher levels are age-restricted. The criteria are set out so that they can be approved by non-Scouts. Scouting Ireland's campsites, as well as private companies, have developed training schemes which are aligned to the Adventure Skills. An independent app has been developed which shows the full list of criteria.