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Aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria

Aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria (AAPBs) are alphaproteobacteria and gammaproteobacteria that are obligate aerobes that capture energy from light by anoxygenic photosynthesis. Anoxygenic photosynthesis is the phototrophic process where light energy is captured and stored as ATP. The production of oxygen is non-existent and, therefore, water is not used as an electron donor. They are widely distributed marine plankton that may constitute over 10% of the open ocean microbial community. They can be particularly abundant in oligotrophic conditions where they were found to be 24% of the community. Aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria are photoheterotrophic (phototroph)microbes that exist in a variety of aquatic environments. Photoheterotrophs(Gk: photo = light, hetero = (an)other, troph = nourishment), are heterotrophic organisms that use light to produce energy, but are unable to utilize carbon dioxide as their primary carbon source. Most are obligately aerobic, meaning they require oxygen to grow. One remarkable aspect of these novel bacteria is that they, unlike other similar bacteria, are unable to utilize BChl (bacteriochlorophyll) for anaerobic growth.The only photosynthetic pigment that exists in AAPB is BChl a. Anaerobic phototrophic bacteria, on the contrary, can contain numerous species of photosynthetic pigments like bacteriochlorophyll a,b,c,d,e,f,etc. There is still a large void in the areas regarding the abundance and genetic diversity of the AAPB, as well as the environmental variables that regulate these properties.

