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An alcázar (pronunciation: /ˈæl kəˌzɑːr/) is a type of Moorish castle or palace in Spain and Portugal built during Muslim rule, although some were founded by Christians and others were built on earlier Roman or Visigothic fortifications. Most of the alcázars were built between the 8th and 15th centuries. Many cities in Spain have an alcázar. The term is sometimes used as a synonym for "castillo" or castle; palaces or forts built by Christian rulers were also often called alcázars.

The Spanish word alcázar (pronounced: [alˈkaθar]) derives from the Arabic word القصر al-qasr "the fort, castle, or palace", which is possibly in turn derived from the Latin word castrum, meaning an army camp or fort.

Similar words exist in Galician (alcázar, pronounced: [alˈkaθaɾ]), Portuguese (alcácer, pronounced: [ɐɫˈkasɛɾ]), and Catalan (alcàsser, pronounced: [əɫˈkasər]).

