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Allgemeines Deutsches Handelsgesetzbuch

Allgemeines Deutsches Handelsgesetzbuch (ADHGB) for Nassau
Federal Convention
Allgemeines Deutsches Handelsgesetzbuch
Citation Law text (1869)
Territorial extent

German Confederation(1861-1866)
North German Confederation(1869-1871)
German Empire (1871-1900)
Austria (1863-1938)

Liechtenstein (since 1865)
Date passed 31 May 1861
Date repealed Germany (1 January 1900)
Austria (gradually as from 1938)
Commercial Law
Status: Repealed

The Allgemeines Deutsches Handelsgesetzbuch (ADHGB; English General German Commercial Code (GGCC)) was the first comprehensive commercial code in Germany. The term "Allgemein" (General) emphasized the whole German Confederation as the scope of application.

German Confederation(1861-1866)
North German Confederation(1869-1871)
German Empire (1871-1900)
Austria (1863-1938)

Until introduction of ADHGB German commercial law reflected the political splintering of Germany.

The Preußisches Allgemeines Landrecht (ALR) of 1794 (English Prussian General Land Law) applied to Prussian state territory. Legal provisions for burgher classes („Bürgerstände“) could be found in Eighth Title (Achter Titel). This comprised rules for craftsmen (Handwerker) (§§ 179 to 400) in addition to these for artists and fabricants (Künstler und Fabrikanten) (§§ 401 to 423) and for merchants (§§ 475 to 712). Here §§ 475 bis 496 ALR defined characteristics of a merchant. §§ 497 bis 545 ALR affected factors and dispatchers (Faktoren und Disponenten) whereby procuration (Prokura), a special power of attorney, could be found in §§ 498 et seq. ALR.

§§ 546 to 553 ALR dealt with merchant assistant and apprentices (Handlungsdienern und Lehrlingen), §§ 562 to 613 ALR with trading books (Handelsbücher) and §§ 614 to 683 ALR with companies (Handlungsgesellschaften). Mecantile interests (Kaufmännische Zinsen) werde regulated by §§ 684 to 697 ALR, brokerages (Provisionen) by §§ 698 to 701 ALR and merchant recommendations (Kaufmännische Empfehlungen) by §§ 702 ti 712 ALR.

In areas west of the Rhine and in Baden (as an annex to Badisches Landrecht (engl. Baden Land Law) of 1810) French Code de commerce of 1808 ruled.

Apart from that Particular law (Patrikularrecht) or subsidiary Common law, here ius commune, (Gemeines Recht) were applied.

Preliminary works for ADHGB can be traced back to 1848/49. Already Paulskirche Constitution of 28 March 1849 provided in § 64 inter alia establishing a General Commercial Code. On 2 December 1848 a commission had started preparations previously.

