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In the Book of Mormon, Amalickiah (/əˈmæl.əˈk.ə/) (Ameleckiah as a frequent scribal variant in the Original Manuscript – and its Hebrew translation might be "Jah shall be king") was a Nephite leader of a movement to reestablish a king, specifically himself, as the king of the Nephites. When he failed to gain power through a popular uprising he dissented to the Lamanites becoming their king and using them as a means to gain power over the Nephites. He was killed during the ensuing war.

The Amalickiahite (/əˈmæl.əˈk.ə.t/) movement arose during a power vacuum following the separation of church and state and by the transfer of leadership of the church from Alma the Younger to his son Helaman. Helaman succeeded his father as High Priest over the Nephite Church but did not have any political authority. His father was the last High Priest who also held the post of Chief Judge (or governor) of the Nephites. Alma the Younger had found that the church suffered from neglect due to his political duties and so resigned the latter office.

