The American Nuclear Society (ANS) is an international, not-for-profit 501(c)(3) scientific and educational organization with a membership of approximately 11,000 scientists, engineers, educators, students, and other associate members. Approximately 900 members live outside the United States in 45 countries. There are 51 U.S. and nine non-U.S. local sections, 24 nuclear plant branches and 34 student sections. ANS members represent more than 1,750 corporations, educational institutions, and government agencies.
The ANS is a member of the International Nuclear Societies Council (INSC).
The society was founded on December 11, 1954. ANS has been a leader in the development of nuclear consensus standards since 1958. The main objective of ANS is to promote the advancement of science and engineering relating to the atomic nucleus. Other purposes are to integrate the many nuclear science and technology disciplines, encourage research, establish scholarships, disseminate information through publications and journals, inform the public about nuclear-related activities, hold meetings devoted to scientific and technical papers, and cooperate with government agencies, educational institutions, and other organizations having similar purposes. In 1955 Walter Zinn was elected as the first president of the ANS.
ANS is made up of 19 Professional Divisions, two work groups (WG) and one technical group (TG). The technical group is Young Members Group (YMG) and is for ANS members under age 36. YMG provides young professionals with opportunities to expand their technical knowledge and network with recognized authorities and the nuclear industry. It also nominates young professionals for awards and leadership opportunities. The ANS Young Members Group lends its support to the Nuclear Energy Institute trade association - sponsored the North American Young Generation in Nuclear 501(c)(6) on outreach projects.