Anan (Jewish Babylonian Aramaic: רב ענן) was a Babylonian amora of the third century, disciple of Mar Samuel (Yebamot , Ḳiddushin ), and contemporary of Rav Huna and Mar 'Uḳba II. (Ketubot ). Anecdote and legend combine to illustrate Anan's renown for extreme conscientiousness in his capacity as judge in civil cases, as well as for his theosophic speculations. The book Tanna Devei Eliyahu ("Seder Eliyahu Rabbah" and "Seder Eliyahu Zuṭṭa") is said to have been composed during visitations Anan received from the prophet Elijah (Ketubot ). Anan was prominent as a teacher of civil law and of ritual; and though Rav Nachman once criticized one of his arguments — remarking, "While attending Mar Samuel, you must have spent your time in playing at checkers" (or "chess," Iskundré, Ḳiddushin ) — he highly respected him, and addressed him with the title of Mar ("Master," Ḥullin ). Rav Huna, on his part, did not consider Anan his equal; and when the latter once addressed to him a message, headed, "To Huna, our colleague, greetings," he felt himself depreciated and replied in a manner that embarrassed Anan (Ketubot 69a). In the field of the Aggadah, Anan rarely appears, and then only as the transmitter of observations of his predecessors. But many of his teachings were probably incorporated with those of the students of the school that bore his name, Debe Rab Anan (Sukkah ; 'Erubin ). In addition to the above, he is also mentioned in Berakhot ; Shabbat ; Jerusalem Talmud Shabbat iii. 5c (compare Babylonian Talmud Shabbat ); Erubin ; Yebamot ; Jerusalem Talmud Yebamot ix. 10b; Ketubot ; Giṭṭin ; Shevu'ot, ; Ḥullin , ; among other places.