The Anthony Powell Society is an international literary society dedicated to the works of English novelist Anthony Powell. Membership is open to all interested in A Dance to the Music of Time and Powell's other works.
Powell was regarded by such writers as Evelyn Waugh and Kingsley Amis as amongst the greatest British novelists of the 20th century, a view supported by present-day critics like A. N. Wilson. He has been called the English equivalent of Marcel Proust. Powell's work remains the object of wide enthusiasm among a growing circle of readers.
The Society holds regular meetings in the UK (in the greater London region) and US (in the New York City and Chicago metropolitan areas), and less frequently in Canada, Australia, Sweden and Japan. It publishes a journal, Secret Harmonies and a newsletter, mounts biennial conferences, and hosts an Internet discussion group.
The Anthony Powell Society was founded in June 2000 by a group of scholars and enthusiasts following Powell's death in March of that year at the age of 94. The Society's aim is to advance for the public benefit, education and interest in his life and works. It is registered as a charity in the UK.
The Society emerged from the Anthony Powell Resources website begun in 1994 by Dr Keith Marshall and its associated email discussion list arising from the interest in Powell stimulated by the dramatization of A Dance to the Music of Time on UK Channel 4 TV in autumn 1997 and following his death. The Society's formation was actively welcomed by his late widow, Lady Violet Powell, and continues to receive the support and encouragement of his family and literary executors. Charitable status was granted in April 2003.
Currently, the Hon. Secretary of the group is Dr Keith C Marshall; the Chairman is Antony C Robinson; and the President is Lord Gowrie.