Apulian vase painting was a regional style of South Italian vase painting from ancient Apulia. It comprises geometric pottery and red figure pottery.
The legitimate iron age sequel to the Neolithic and bronze age culture of Matera and Molfetta has not yet been discovered and the pre-history of Daunia, Peucetia and Messapia begins to take shape as a coherent whole only with the 7th century. Even then our knowledge is almost confined to the pottery, but it offers a rich field for study.
The subject of the painted pottery has been put on a scientific basis by the intensive studies of Maximilian Mayer, who has identified and distinguished the products of the several provincial schools, and has established a scheme of dating which, with some slight rectifications and adjustments, due principally to Italian archaeologist Michele Gervasio, may be considered as final. The division of schools corresponds very closely to the old pre-Roman distribution of the region into three sections. Of these the most northern is Daunia, extending from the promontory of Gargano to the most southern point in the course of the river Aufidus; next to which is Peucetia, which for purposes of this classification may be said to begin at Bari and end at Egnatia. South of a line drwan from Egnatia to Taranto, the whole heel of Italy, with Lecce at its centre, is Messapia.