Ashtamangala prasnam is a certain type of practice of the prasna branch of Hindu astrology. The terminology indicates the use of eight (ashta) auspicious (mangala) objects in its practice. These objects are ghee lamps (brass lamps with a wick in clarified butter), mirror, gold, milk, yogurt, fruits, book, and white cloth. The practice of ashtamangala prasnam is highly popular and held in high esteem in the Indian state of Kerala. In fact, the author of Prasna Marga, an authoritative book on its practice was written by Narayanan Nambutiri, an astrologer from Edakad, Thalasseri in Kerala. Prasna Marga was written in 1649 CE.
Prasna is one of the six important branches of Hindu astrology. It deals with horary astrology in which an astrologer attempts to answer a question by constructing a horoscope for the exact time at which the question was received and understood by the astrologer. The other branches are jataka (natal astrology) which attempts to determine an individual's personality and path in life based on the horoscope of the individual, muhurta (electional astrology) in which the practitioner decides the most appropriate time for an event based on the astrological auspiciousness of that time, nimitta (interpretation of omens), gola (study of astronomy) and ganita (study of mathematics).
The process begins by extending a formal invitation to an astrologer to perform an Ashtamangala Prasna. The astrologer then fixes a date for the Prasna based on the principles of electional astrology. The services of two astrologers are required for conducting the Prasna. On the day fixed for the Prasna, a priest would perform a puja of the zodiac. During that time the main astrologer would ask a girl or boy to keep the gold coin randomly in one of the twelve houses drawn on a wooden plank placed before the astrologer. Based on the house in which the coin was placed and on certain numbers computed during the process, the question-answer session begins. The full session may extend up to two days. After full diagnosis, remedial measures are finalized on the last day of Prasna. A person for performing the remedial measures is also finalized. The main astrologer prepares a report mentioning all the relevant facts and details of remedial measures. Remedial measures are arranged according to the availability of the designated person and suitability of the persons conducting the Prasna.