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Autofiction is a term used in literary criticism to refer to a form of fictionalized autobiography.

Serge Doubrovsky coined the term in 1977 with reference to his novel Fils. Autofiction combines two mutually inconsistent narrative forms, namely autobiography and fiction. An author may decide to recount his/her life in the third person, to modify significant details or 'characters', using fiction in the service of a search for self. It has parallels with faction, a genre devised by Truman Capote to describe his novel In Cold Blood.

Autofiction is principally a genre associated with contemporary French authors, among them: Christine Angot, Marguerite Duras, Guillaume Dustan, Alice Ferney, Annie Ernaux, Hervé Guibert, Amélie Nothomb, Olivia Rosenthal, Anne Wiazemsky, Édouard Louis and Vassilis Alexakis. Catherine Millet's 2002 memoir The Sexual Life of Catherine M. famously used autofiction to explore the author's sexual experiences.

In India, autofiction has been associated with the works of Hainsia Olindi and postmodern Tamil writer Charu Nivedita. His novel Zero degree, a groundbreaking work in Tamil literature and his recent Novel "Exile" are examples of this genre. Japanese author Hitomi Kanehara wrote a novel titled Autofiction.

