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Bangladesh Institute of Law and International Affairs

Founded in 1972 the Bangladesh Institute of Law and International Affairs (BILIA) is the leading institution in South Asia for advanced research in legal and international affairs. Based in Dhaka, BILIA specializes in strategic cross-sector fields and innovates solutions through multidisciplinary analysis.

BILIA is an autonomous, non-partisan, non-profit and independent institution with an analytical and solution oriented perspective in areas related to and impinging on peace, security, development, rule of law, human rights and democratic governance.

BILIA is a center of excellence for developing public-private synergies of ideas and strategies to face the existing and emerging challenges of the 21st century. The Institute focuses on Asia in general, South Asia and Southeast Asia in particular, and specifically Bangladesh.

BILIA is a primary source of accurate, objective information on regional security and strategic issues as well as on issues, which have a domestic or international legal dimension and implication.

BILIA is a source of independent analysis, informed dialogue and debate and influential ideas on how to build a prosperous and secure world for all. It is a prime focal point in Bangladesh for leading strategic thinkers, lawyers, diplomats, foreign affairs analysts, economists, the military, policy analysts, bureaucrats, defence commentators, journalists, academics and the civil society.

The publications of BILIA are read by key decision-makers and are commented upon within the government.

The Bangladesh Institute of Law and International Affairs was established in Bangladesh as a government-funded think tank on various affairs of law and foreign policy. A future president of Bangladesh, Abdus Sattar, served as its chairman from 1974 to 1975.

