Alexander City Schools is the school district of Alexander City, Alabama. It dates from 1869 and there are currently 3,400 students. The superintendent is Dr. J. Darrell Cooper. The High School Principal is Dr. Anthony Wilkinson.
The district's schools are Benjamin Russell High School, Alexander City Middle School, Radney Elementary School, Nathaniel H. Stephens Elementary School and Jim Pearson Elementary School.
The Alexander City schools were affected historically by desegregation efforts within Alabama. By the fall of 1970, the 31% minority student total of the public school system was distributed within the then-existing schools as follows:
In 2005 the Alexander City Schools system was awarded district accreditation by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS). All graduates of Benjamin Russell High School gain two years of tuition-free education through the Central Alabama Community College under the Gateway to Education Scholarship Program, which was awarded the National Civic Star Award by the American Association of School Administrators in 2007.
In partnership with the College of Engineering of Auburn University, Benjamin Russell High School has included an Engineering Academy since 2007.
The High School also has a "Success Center", a learning lab for students who have not passed one or more sections of the High School Graduation Exam, giving them an opportunity to retake the test.
The district's Strategic Plan for 2008-2013 includes targets for dental screening, physical activity for all students, responsible eating and nutritional information, safety codes, behavior monitoring, richer student experiences and problem solving, after-school programs, mentorship program, parental involvement, greater professional development for teachers, and art and foreign-language teaching.
The district's dress code requires students to be neatly dressed, clean and well groomed. Boys' shirts must be tucked in, and shorts and skirts must be no shorter than 2 inches above the kneecap. Pants must cover the hips, and shoes must be worn.
Penalties for student misconduct include detention, in-school suspension, out-of-school suspension, Saturday school, alternative education program, and corporal punishment. The latter consists of a maximum of three licks administered in private to the student's with a smooth wooden paddle; for grades K-6 this must be 7½" by 3½", and ¼" thick, and for grades 7-12 it must be 13" by 5", and 3/8 inches thick, in both cases with a handle of 4 inches. Parents who object to paddling may request an alternative punishment. No student is forced to submit to a paddling. Students may choose a spanking in lieu of suspension.