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Black Mirror (season 4)

Black Mirror is a British television series created by Charlie Brooker. The series is produced by Zeppotron for Endemol. Regarding the programme's content and structure, Brooker noted, "each episode has a different cast, a different setting, and even a different reality. But they're all about the way we live now; and the way we might be living in 10 minutes' time if we're clumsy."

In September 2015, Netflix commissioned a series of 12 episodes, which was later divided into two separate series, the third and fourth, each comprising six episodes.

As of 29 December 2017, 19 episodes of Black Mirror have been released, including one special, concluding the fourth series.

Princess Susannah, a member of the British royal family, has been kidnapped. To return the Princess, the kidnapper demands that the country's Prime Minister, Michael Callow, has sexual intercourse with a pig on live television, otherwise he will kill her. Callow refuses to be blackmailed, but public opinion is gradually turning against him. Security forces are trying to locate the kidnapper, but every effort fails. Under pressure, Callow finally agrees to fulfill the demand. The British people gather in public places and watch the shocking broadcast, with no one realising that the kidnapper has already released the Princess, thirty minutes before Callow's sex act began. The kidnapper commits suicide by hanging and he is later revealed to be an artist, who planned the debacle in order to make a statement on people's obsession with the media. One year later, Callow's approval ratings have fully recovered, but his relationship with his wife has suffered a heavy blow.

Bing feels trapped living in an enclosed, automated space, as a member of a society that rides power-generating stationary bikes in exchange for "merits", a form of currency they can use to buy things they need. One day, he hears a girl named Abi singing in the bathroom and falls in love with her. He decides to gift her fifteen million merits, that she can use to buy a ticket for a talent show. Abi accepts and enters the contest, where she is given a psychotropic beverage to drink before she goes on stage. The judges are impressed with her singing, but they suggest she is better suited for pornography. Abi accepts their offer, unable to think clearly. Bing returns to the stationary bikes, determined to earn back the merits he needs to enter the contest himself, and finally manages to buy a new ticket. When he enters the stage, he takes the opportunity to express his indignation and threatens to commit suicide, while other members are watching in the audience. When he finishes talking, the judges offer him a weekly show, where he will have the opportunity to rant about the system. Bing accepts their offer.

