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Bogotá Botanical Garden

The José Celestino Mutis botanical garden is Colombia's biggest botanical garden. It serves both as a recreation and research center with an emphasis on Andean and Páramo ecosystems. The garden is located in Bogotá and features plants from every Colombian altitude, climate and region. It was founded in 1955, in honor of botanist and astronomer Jose Celestino Mutis.

The municipally owned park is famous nationwide and is a member of the internationally known BGCI (Botanic Gardens Conservation International). The garden has an artificial waterfall and labs for studying plants and flowers. It also has public services such as a library and a tourist information desk. The garden is the only one in the nation specialized in preserving and collecting Andean species of flowers. Its 19.5 acres are full with collections of plants grouped by their original ecosystem.

Among other curiosities, the park includes a sun clock, a palmetum, an orchid collection, and a wide variety of Amazon flowers.

Jose Celestino Mutis was born in Spain in the city of Cadiz in 1732. He graduated in medicine from the University of Seville. In 1783, Under the rule of Charles III of Spain, he headed the Royal Botanical Expedition to New Granada. The expedition was the most important scientific collaboration of the 18th century where over 6,600 new species of flora were discovered and described. Although most of his research was not published and most of the time never completed, he remains as one of the greatest promoters of science and knowledge in the Americas.

In 1937, botanist and priest Dr. Enrique Pérez Arbeláez tried to create a school of botany in the National University. Due to civil wars and disturbances the project was delayed. Finally, on August 6, 1955, the administrative council of Bogotá loaned Arbeláez 43.34 acres of land, and the garden was established. Arbeláez decided to name the garden after Mutis in his honor.

