The Book of Divine Worship (BDW) was an adaptation of the American Book of Common Prayer (BCP) by the Roman Catholic Church. It was used primarily by former members of the Episcopal Church within Anglican Use parishes of the Pastoral Provision and the Personal Ordinariates. It has been replaced by a new book to be used worldwide, titled Divine Worship: The Missal.
Along with the ordination of married former Episcopal priests, the Pastoral Provision of 1980 permitted the establishment of Anglican Use parishes in the United States and created a special missal using liturgical elements from the Anglican tradition. (Cf. Pope Paul VI, Sacerdotalis caelibatus, no. 42.) This special liturgy was subsequently approved in 1983 by the Vatican's Congregation for Divine Worship and the Committee for the Liturgy of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops. In 2003 it was published in book form as the Book of Divine Worship and the term "Anglican Use" liturgy was applied to it.
When use of the revised English translation of the Novus Ordo Mass went into effect on 27 November 2011, use of the "Rite II" modern language version of the Holy Eucharist in the Book of Divine Worship was suppressed, and parishes had the option of using the "Rite I" traditional language Anglican Use liturgy or conforming to the Novus Ordo liturgy used in parishes not part of the Pastoral Provision.