Brent Hayes Edwards is a professor of English and comparative literature at Columbia University.
Edwards attended Yale as an undergraduate, then completed an MA and PhD at Columbia.
Edwards has taught at Rutgers University and now at Columbia, as well as Cornell's summer graduate program, the School of Criticism and Theory, and the Dartmouth summer graduate program The Futures of American Studies.
Edwards's first book is The Practice of Diaspora: Literature, Translation, and the Rise of Black Internationalism (Harvard University Press, 2003). It examines black writers in the interwar period, focusing on sites of interaction between Anglophone and Francophone black writers to develop an argument about the generative potential of translation, specifically in the black diaspora. Among other influences, Edwards draws on Stuart Hall's use of the concept of articulation to develop a theoretical use of the French term décalage, "referring to a shift in space or time or the gap that results from it...[Edwards argues] that these disparate locations are, like joints, sites of potential forward motion."
Edwards also edited the collection Uptown Conversation: The New Jazz Studies (Columbia University Press, 2004) with Farah Jasmine Griffin and Robert G. O'Meally.
In 2009, Edwards edited a new printing of W.E.B. DuBois's The Souls of Black Folk from Oxford University Press.