Broodmeester of Flanders or Pannetier de Flandre (Master of the Bread / panetarius) was a feudal title, this heredery title evoluated in the ancien regime to a ceremonial function.
The court had a few ceremonial functions, most known was the chamberlain, Bouteiller (buticularius), Standard-bearer, Woudmeester (Forestarius) and the Seneschal., less known was the Panetarius. This ceremonial function was reserved for an important family and was given form father to son by the Count of Flanders. In 1234 the Broodmeester was requested to attend the table of the Countess of flanders. This function was payed and he received some privilliges.
One of the titles that inherited this function was the Lord of Rode, later the Marquess of Rode.
A Similar function exited at the court of the Duke of Bourgondy and the King of France.