Bruno Osimo (born 14 December 1958, Milan, Italy), is an Italian fiction writer and translation studies scholar.
A disciple of Peeter Torop's, professor of Translation Studies at the , translator from Russian and English to Italian, he has developed Charles Sanders Peirce's, Lev Vygotsky's, and Roman Jakobson's theories. He has published three novels, Dizionario affettivo della lingua ebraica, Bar Atlantic and Disperato erotico fox. He has edited the Italian edition of works by Lyudskanov, Anton Popovič, Peeter Torop, Yuri Lotman, Roman Jakobson. He is the author of an online Translation course translated in 10 languages, the Logos Translation Course, published by the Logos Group He is a member of the European Society for Translation Studies.
Bruno Osimo's approach to translation studies integrates translation activities as a mental process, not only between languages (interlingual translation) but also within the same language (intralingual translation) and between verbal and non verbal systems of signs (intersemiotic translation). Along with linguistics, Osimo stresses the importance of cultural awareness in developing quality in translation, profiling the translator as an intercultural mediator.
"Translation is the creation of a language of mediation between various cultures. The historic analysis of translation presupposes the readiness of the researcher to interpret the languages of the translators belonging to different ages, and also to interpret their ability to create new languages of mediation (Osimo 2002, Torop 2009). "
A central concept of translation studies described by Bruno Osimo is Code-switching, key characteristic of multilingual individuals.
As a disciple of Peeter Torop, Bruno Osimo identifies translation parameters requesting a selection of appropriate translation strategies, oriented on the content of the source text (transposition), or on the code itself (recoding).