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California Proposition 75 (2005)

Proposition 75 was a ballot proposition in the California special election, 2005.

Proposition 75: Public Employee Union Dues. Required Employee Consent for Political Contributions. Initiative Statute.

Summary of Legislature Analyst's estimate of net state and local government fiscal impact:

Opponents of this proposition portrayed it as a measure to "silence the unions," since private corporations would not be affected. They also cited a Supreme Court case in which union members could not be forced to join a union, and said that union members could already restrict their dues (opt-out process) towards political purposes.

The proponents cited this as a "Paycheck Protection" proposition, saying that this would help check union abuse.

The proposition was rejected on November 8, 2005 by 7% or about 500,000 votes statewide

SEIU's use of compulsory fees on nonmembers to fund its campaign against Prop. 75 was latter found illegal by the U.S. Supreme Court in Knox v. Service Employees International Union, Local 1000. The Court was disturbed that "SEIU's procedure was to force many nonmembers to subsidize a political effort designed to restrict their own rights."

