Calista Corporation (pronounced [tʃɑlɪstɑ]) is one of thirteen Alaska Native Regional Corporations created under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of 1971 (ANCSA) in settlement of aboriginal land claims. Calista was incorporated in Alaska on June 12, 1972. Although the Calista region is in western Alaska, Calista Corporation is headquartered in Anchorage, Alaska. Calista is a for-profit corporation with 17,300 Alaska Native shareholders primarily of Yup'ik descent.
The name Calista (worker) is a portmanteau of the Central Alaskan Yup'ik words cali-, meaning "to work," and -ista, meaning someone or something which does. The Yup'ik language does not have a word for "corporation".
As part of ANCSA, Calista received patent for 4,997,263 acres (20,223.21 km2) from the federal government as well as approximately $80 million, making it the second largest corporation established under ANCSA. The Calista region covers Alaska's Bethel and Kusilvak census areas and includes 56 villages.
* Unit 1 Mike Akerelrea, Director
Village: Scammon Bay
Villages Represented: Hooper Bay, Paimuit, Chevak,& Scammon Bay.
* Unit 2 JoAnn Werning, Director
Village: Alakanuk
Villages Represented: Alakanuk, Sheldon Point (Nunam Iqua), Bill Moore's Slough, Hamilton & Emmonak.
* Unit 3 Robert L. Beans, Director
Village: Mountain Village
Villages Represented: Kotlik, Chuloonawick, Mountain Village, Pitka's Point & St. Mary's.
* Unit 4 George Guy, Vice Chair
Village: Kwethluk
Villages Represented: Kwethluk, Napaskiak, Oscarville, Napakiak & Eek.
* Unit 5 William Igkurak, Director
Village: Kwigillingok
Villages Represented: Tuntutuliak, Quinhagak, Goodnews Bay, Platinum, Kwigillingok & Kipnuk.
* Unit 6 John P. Angaiak, Director
Village: Tununak
Villages Represented: Mekoryuk, Chefornak, Toksook Bay, Umkumiut, Tununak, Nightmute & Newtok.
* Unit 7 Margaret Pohjola, Secretary
Village: Chuathbaluk
Villages Represented: Lime Village, Stony River, Sleetmute, Red Devil, Crooked Creek, Georgetown, Napaimute, Chuathbaluk, Aniak, Kalskag (Upper) & Lower Kalskag.
* Unit 8 Willie Kasayulie, Chairman
Village: Akiachak
Villages Represented:Tuluksak, Akiak, Akiachak, Atmautluak, Nunapitchuk & Kasigluk.
* Unit 9 Robert Hoffman, Director
Village: Bethel
Villages Represented: Bethel.
* Unit 10 Art Heckman, Director
Village: Pilot Station
Villages Represented: Andreafski, Pilot Station, Marshall, Ohagamuit & Russian Mission.
* At-Large Marcie Sherer, Treasurer
Village: Napaimute
Villages Represented: Any Shareholder.