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Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE)

Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE), also known as the Certificate in Advanced English (CAE), is an international English language examination developed by Cambridge English Language Assessment (previously known as University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations). It is targeted at Level C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and can be used for study, work and immigration purposes.

Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) was developed in response to feedback received from language centres that there was too great a gap between Cambridge English: First (FCE) and Cambridge English: Proficiency (CPE) (C1). Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) was designed to allow learners to gain certification for advanced levels of English suitable for use in academic and professional life and was developed using a socio-cognitive approach – that is, it encourages languages skills for use in real-life situations. Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) is focused on Level C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

Following the launch of the exam, the qualification has been continuously updated in order to reflect changes in language teaching and assessment.

Over the years, another set of revisions were introduced. The main changes are: the overall exam is now 45 minutes shorter; there are four exam papers, instead of five; the Reading and Use of English papers have been combined into a single paper; and there are some new testing focuses and task types. Further information can be found in the revised Exam Specification.

In addition, a new way of reporting results has been introduced with Cambridge English Scale scores replacing the standardised score and candidate profile used for exams taken in the past. The Cambridge English Scale was developed to provide exam users with more detailed information about their exam performance than was previously available.

Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) is made up of four exam papers, designed to test the key language skills. The four papers are: Reading and Use of English; Writing; Listening; and Speaking. Candidates have the choice of taking Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) on either a computer or on paper. The Speaking test is taken face-to-face with two examiners and two candidates, as this provides a more realistic and reliable measure of ability.

