In intellectual history and the history of political thought, the Cambridge School is a loose historiographical movement traditionally associated with the University of Cambridge, where many of those associated with the School held or continue to hold academic positions, including Quentin Skinner, J. G. A. Pocock, Peter Laslett, and John Dunn, or latterly David Runciman and Raymond Geuss. It can broadly be characterised as a historicist or contextualist mode of interpretation, placing primary emphasis on the historical conditions and the intellectual context of the discourse of a given historical era, and opposing the perceived anachronism of conventional methods of interpretation, which it believes often distort the significance of texts and ideas by reading them in terms of distinctively modern understandings of social and political life. In these terms, the Cambridge School is 'idealist' in the sense that it accepts ideas as constitutive elements of human history in themselves, and hence contradicts social-scientific positivism in historiography.
The modern Cambridge School is in the tradition of earlier scholarship in Cambridge, exemplified by the economist John Maynard Keynes (1883-1946), who was both a historian of economic thought, and the subject of much study by historians of economic thought, placing the development of his ideas in their historical context. Keynes stressed the importance of understanding thinkers in the context of their times and the ideas they imbibed in their youth.
The text often held as the original declaration of the principles of the School is Quentin Skinner's 1969 article 'Meaning and Understanding in the History of Ideas'. Here, Skinner attacks what he describes as two "orthodoxies": "perennialism", the view that philosophers have always debated the same fundamental questions; and the notion that context is irrelevant to a historical understanding of texts, which can be read as self-standing material. In Mark Bevir's words, Skinner and his colleagues "defended the history of political theory against both reductionists who dismissed ideas as mere epiphenomena and canonical theorists who approached texts as timeless philosophical works".