Cementville is a 1991 dark comedy play written by Jane Martin, a Pulitzer-nominated author. It premiered at the Humana Festival of New American Plays on 1991. The work has also been republished in several collections of modern American plays.
Set in a dingy arena locker room in a Tennessee rust town, the story follows a collection of run-down female professional wrestlers and their blow-hard manager as they try to put on a card of matches and everything goes wrong.
In a dismal locker room, Dwayne, an autograph hound, is trolling around when Nola (a local fan and arena gopher girl) and Tiger (a road-weary ex-con) enter. He dives into the broom closet. Another wrestler, Dani comes in and rants about their typical treatment and money issues. Netty and Angelessa come in next. Dani runs down the line up for tonight’s card, revealing that all of them will actually be playing several parts.
Tiger sends Nola on a beer run for them. Big Man enters to run down the lineup. His brother Eddie had to be taken to the hospital the night before, and his best guess is a hooker assaulted him. Dani complains about the lack of pay, and Big Man slaps her. He then tells them since Eddie’s out, the cruiserweight title match is off. Angelessa offers to do a mixed match. But despite her being a former Olympian, Big Man shoots it down. He tells them that he’s called in The Knockout Sisters, a tag team of two sisters, who happen to live not too far away. The women aren’t very happy, knowing that Big Man will be spending part of their pay for the extra wrestlers.
As the ladies dress, they ponder over Eddie’s fate. Suddenly, there’s a thump from the broom closet. Angelessa opens the door and finds Dwayne hiding. He pleads for autographs but after they, including Nola, have signed his book, he starts preaching at them for being sinful whores. Angelessa grabs him and throws him out, but not before he can grab Tiger by her sore ribs, leaving her in even more pain.