The Center for China in the World Economy (CCWE) is an international political economic policy research center and think tank located in the School of Economics and Management (SEM) at Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. The Center was founded in September 2004 and formally launched in October 2005 under the notion that "improving understanding of China's evolving prominence in the world will be of key importance both in China itself and abroad for many years to come". CCWE's founding partner is BP-China.
The center serves in a unique capacity as a liaison between both West and East, private and public. More specifically, the center is able to interface with both China's burgeoning market economy and its public policy makers in order to disseminate strategic policy and accurately forecast the developing role and identity of the Chinese state in the global economy. Moreover, its leadership is composed of academics with experience and expertise gained and formed in both the world's leading institutions. Operating in China's top university, the center hopes to increase its role as an elite source of information concerning China's development and growth in the 21st century.
The seminal period for the center occurred from October 2003 to July 2004 when "over one hundred of the world's leading economic experts" were consulted regarding establishment. Following positive feedback, recruiting of research and administrative staff began. In September 2004, Tsinghua University formally approved the founding of the center. In February 2005, the center's executive committee was formed, holding its first meeting on 3 March of that year. In October 2005, the CCWE advisory board held its first meeting immediately preceding the first publication of the center's journal, China and World Affairs. In late October, the Center's new office location within the School of Economics and Management (SEM) became ready for use, and the formal launch of the center with its founding partner BP-China was held on October 31, 2005.
The CCWE is primarily focuses on in-depth research on China's economic development and reform. Research interests include comparative institutional, macroeconomic, and political economic strategy policy understandings, forecasts, and recommendations. Such research is promulgated via the Center's quarterly journal, working papers, and monthly bulletin publications.
Further involvement in the international academic community include the hosting of the China in the World Economy Public Lecture Series, Policy Briefing Sessions (PBS), Roundtables, the China Policy Update, international conferences, and various workshops. CCWE has also participated in IMF and World Bank forums and conferences.
Recent conferences hosted by the CCWE have centered on topics such as the Sichuan earthquake and the global financial crisis.