Chancelade man (Chancelade find) is an ancient anatomically modern human fossil of a male found in Chancelade in France in 1888. The skeleton was that of a rather short man, who stood a mere 1.55 m (5.1 ft) tall. Early interpretations was that the skeleton was that of an Eskimo, but modern researchers have grouped the skeleton with the Cro-Magnon (in the wider sense) since the 1960s. The term European early modern humans is today preferred for this expanded assemblage.
The original Chancelade find was discovered in 1888 in the cave of Raymonden Chancelade in the Dordogne. Lying all the way down by the bedrock, below three layers containing Magdalenian tools, the find contained a single skeleton. The skeleton was that of an adult man, estimated to have been between 55 and 65 at death. The man had been intentionally buried and liberally coated with ochre. The skeleton was found in a flexed position with the knees bent up to the chin, similar to other stone age finds and current burial practice among San people and some aboriginal Australians and Eskimos. The grave also contained Magdalenian tools, dating from 17,000 to 12,000 years before present.
The study also indicated that the individual was relatively small (1.55 m (5.1 ft)) and stocky, but had an extremely large cranial capacity (1670 cm3). The cranium was rather narrow, but long and tall, and with a clear sagittal keel along the suture between the parietal bones. The face was large, both wide and high, with high orbits quite close together and of somewhat rectangular shape. The cheek-bones were also quite prominent, high and broad at the same time. The nasal opening was tall but narrow, and the nasal bone (now lost on the original Chancelade skull), indicate a pronounced nasal bridge and large nose, similar to that found in some European and Middle Eastern people. The chin was well developed and the limb bones were strong. The original skeleton is today housed in the Musée d'art et d'archéologie du Périgord in Perigueux.