Charles E. Curran (born March 30, 1934) is a Roman Catholic priest and moral theologian. He currently serves at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas, as the Elizabeth Scurlock University Professor of Human Values.
Curran grew up in Rochester, New York and was ordained there in 1958 for the Diocese of Rochester. After intensive graduate work and earning two doctorates in theology in Rome, Curran taught at the seminary in Rochester, New York until, in 1965, he joined the theology faculty at the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. Contrary to some sources, he did not serve as a peritus or expert at the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965). That distinction belonged to Charles A. Curran, a member of the psychology department at Loyola University in Chicago. In April 1967, university trustees voted to let Fr. Charles E. Curran's tenure stream appointment lapse rather than reappoint him, primarily because of his dissenting views on contraception. However, after a faculty led strike that included students, the university reversed its position on Curran two weeks later and the trustees not only reappointed him but promoted him to associate professor with tenure. Curran then returned to prominence. However, in 1968 he was part of the group of 87 theologians that authored a response to Humanae Vitae, Pope Paul VI's encyclical affirming the traditional ban on artificial contraception. Curran continued to teach and write on the church's teaching on various moral issues, including premarital sex, masturbation, contraception, abortion, homosexual acts, divorce, euthanasia, and in vitro fertilization, throughout the 1970s and 1980s.