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Chinese Representative Council

The Chinese Representative Council (華民代表會) was a council consisting of leading local Chinese and Eurasian community leaders by Japan during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong.

After British Governor of Hong Kong Mark Aitchison Young surrendered to Japan after the Battle of Hong Kong on 25 December 1941, Hong Kong fell under the Japanese military occupation for 3 years and 8 months.

To consolidate their rule, the Japanese military tried to recruit the same local community leaders who had worked for the British. On January 1942, two weeks after the British surrender, Lieutenant General Takashi Sakai invited some 130 leading Chinese and Eurasian leaders to a formal luncheon at the Peninsula Hotel in Kowloon. In the meeting, Saikai stressed that the Chinese and Japanese should work together for the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere.

In late January 1942, Lieutenant General Isogai Rensuke became the governor of the occupied territory. He established two councils for managing the local Chinese population, the Chinese Representative Council and Chinese Cooperative Council.

The Chinese Representative Council and the Chinese Cooperative Council were established on 30 March, replacing the Rehabilitation Advisory Committee. The Japanese appointed Lo Kuk-wo (Robert Kotewall), former member of the Executive Council and the Legislative Council in the pre-war period, to be the chairman of the Chinese Representative Council, which consisted of three and from April 1942 four members when Chan Lim-pak was added.

The other members included:

The members of the Council included Lau Tit-shing, manager of the Communications Bank and chairman of the Chinese Bankers' Association. Lau was the president of the Chinese-Japanese Returned-Students Associations and was very pro-Japanese. When he died in April 1945, he was honoured by the Japanese governor. Chan Lim-pak, former comprador of the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation in Canton, had been arrested by the British during the Japanese invasion on charges of defeatist talk and aiding the enemy. However, the other leaders collaborated with the Japanese mostly with reluctance and misgiving as a matter of physical survival.

