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Cherith (Hebrew: נַחַל כְּרִיתNaḥal Kərīṯ) or sometimes Chorath (/ˈkɔːrɑːθ/; from Greek: Χειμάῤῥους Χοῤῥάθ cheimárrhous Chorrháth, lit. "Wadi Chorath"), is the name of a stream or wadi mentioned in the Hebrew Bible. The prophet Elijah hid himself on the banks of the Cherith and was fed by ravens during the early part of the three years' drought which he announced to King Ahab (1 Kings 17:3).

Cherith comes from the Hebrew root חרת (kh*r*t) meaning to cut off or cut down. The name also signifies to engrave or carve, a cutting, separation, gorge, torrent-bed, or winter-stream. Cherith is referred to as a nahal in Hebrew (נחל, naḥal), a seasonal stream known in English as a wadi, from the Arabic term وادي (wādī).

It is usually identified with Wadi al-Yabis, a stream in western Jordan, which flows into the Jordan River at a spot opposite of Beit She'an and slightly south of it. Travellers have described it as one of the wildest ravines of the Fertile Crescent, and peculiarly fitted to afford a secure asylum to the persecuted. During summer, the stream is very dry.Olive trees grow on its banks, and it is home to an array of wildlife including gazelle, hyrax, and egret.

