Christopher Homes, also known as Christopher Park Homes, was a public housing project in Algiers, New Orleans, operated by HANO, with 150 townhouse style units which opened in 1966 and 1971.
It was celebrated as the nation's first rent-to-own public housing project. By the early 1990s Christopher Homes became drug infested due to crack cocaine dealers. The 150 unit complexes became a hot spot for drug activity and gun violence it was also home turf for their street gang "Chris made mafia "/115ers the dangerous street gang accounted for 18 murders between the years of 2006-2009 along with the DeGaulle Manor apartments. In 2008 16-year-old boy was shot to death during a block party in Christopher Homes. The death of Devin wright shocked New Orleans residents and made headlines.
Conditions in Christopher Homes were bad, before and after Hurricane Katrina with dead grass and broken windows. HANO stopped leasing vacant apartments at the complex several years before Katrina, and by 2005 only 80 units were occupied. In 2013 HANO demolished Christopher Homes due to high and crime.