Classical logic (or standard logic) is an intensively studied and widely used class of formal logics. Each logical system in this class shares characteristic properties:
While not entailed by the preceding conditions, contemporary discussions of classical logic normally only include propositional and first-order logics.
Classical logic was originally devised as a two-level (bivalent) logical system, with simple semantics for the levels representing "true" and "false".
With the advent of algebraic logic it became apparent however that classical propositional calculus admits other semantics. In Boolean-valued semantics (for classical propositional logic), the truth values are the elements of an arbitrary Boolean algebra; "true" corresponds to the maximal element of the algebra, and "false" corresponds to the minimal element. Intermediate elements of the algebra correspond to truth values other than "true" and "false". The principle of bivalence holds only when the Boolean algebra is taken to be the two-element algebra, which has no intermediate elements.
In Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic: Beyond the Formalism, Susan Haack divided non-classical logics into deviant, quasi-deviant, and extended logics.