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Cloud-chasing (electronic cigarette)

Cloud-chasing is the activity of blowing large clouds of vapor using an electronic cigarette.

E-cigarettes gained popularity in the US in 2007. The exact origins of the activity are unclear. Using the devices for "cloud-chasing" began in the West Coast of the US. "When automotive manufacturers first started out, they were not thinking about a sport to be called Formula One. You always have groups of people who are looking for excitement," Hon Lik said in respect to cloud-chasing in 2015.

It was well publicized around 2014, when sites such as Mashable, Gizmodo, The Guardian, and The Huffington Post ran featured articles on the activity. In 2015, competitive vaping began increasing in popularity internationally, spreading from the US and Canada to Indonesia. Vaping contests are arranged in many vape trade shows internationally. In 2015, the competitions were becoming a routine event at some vape shops.

Vapers who enjoy blowing large plumes of vapor are known as cloud-chasers. Cloud-chasing is a recreational activity and a hobby. Some cloud-chasers demonstrate their skill in public.

Some cloud-chasers known as "professional vapers" take part in cloud-blowing contests in what is a called a "cloud competition",competing against one another to exhale the largest and most interesting clouds of vapor, sometimes in shapes such as rings, balls, streams, or ripples, or doing tricks like the French inhale. The French inhale is exhaling the vapor out of the mouth and inhaling it into the nose at the same time, forming a cloud over the upper lip. Competitive vaping is attracting spectators, known as "cloud-gazers". Many teenagers participate in cloud competitions.

Two major cloud competitions in the US are the International Cloud Championships in California, and the World Series of Vape, in Las Vegas. The World Series of Cloud Chasing content took place in the UK in 2016. There are also competitions in New Jersey, Illinois, New Mexico, and at the Vaporium in New York. Canadian Cloud Circuit began in Ontario, Canada in 2015. Some consider it to be a sport and competitors can win prize money typically in the range of $250 to $2,000. The World Vaping Championship has a total prize purse of $100,000. Some competitors are sponsored by e-cigarette companies. This counteracts travel and equipment expenses. There are also teams. Some sponsors are organizing teams. A Competitive Vaping League is being developed.

