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Concession of Evoramonte

The Concession of Evoramonte, also known as the Convention of Evoramonte, was a document signed on 26 May 1834, in Evoramonte, in Alentejo, between the Constitutionalists and the Miguelites, that ended the period of civil war (1828–1834) in the Kingdom of Portugal.

On the Concession of Evoramonte, Dom Miguel I of Portugal surrendered and abandoned his claim to the Portuguese throne, being also subjected to exile and perpetual banishment from the Kingdom of Portugal.

It was signed by the representatives of the Constitutionalists, the Marshals of the Army, Duke of Terceira and Count of Saldanha, and by the Miguelite representative, Lieutenant General José António Azevedo e Lemos.

The Concession was initially composed of nine articles, with four more added the following day:

Additional articles:

Immediately after arriving at Genoa, the place of his exile, on 20 June 1834, Dom Miguel addressed himself to the Courts of Europe claiming that the Concession of Evoramonte was illegal, as it was imposed on him by force by the governments of the Quadruple Alliance:

By those motives I had firmly resolved, as soon as it should be in my power (as it behoved my honour and duty) to make known to all the Powers of Europe the injustice of the aggression directed against my rights and person; to protest and declare, as I now do, that I am at liberty, against the capitulation of the 26th of May last, which was proposed to me by the Government now existing in Lisbon, an act which I was obliged to sign, in order to prevent greater misfortunes, and spare the blood of my faithful subjects. This capitulation must be consequently be considered null and void.

