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Crotalus intermedius gloydi

Crotalus intermedius gloydi
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Reptilia
Order: Squamata
Suborder: Serpentes
Family: Viperidae
Genus: Crotalus
Species: C. intermedius
Subspecies: C. i. gloydi
Trinomial name
Crotalus intermedius gloydi
Taylor, 1941
  • Crotalus triseriatus gloydi Taylor, 1941
  • Crotalus gloydi lautus H.M. Smith In H.M. Smith & Laufe, 1945
  • Crotalus gloydi
    H.M. Smith & Taylor, 1945
  • Crotalus gloydi lautus
    — H.M. Smith, 1946
  • Crotalus gloydi gloydi
    — H.M. Smith, 1946
  • Crotalus intermedius gloydi W.B. Davis & Dixon, 1957

Crotalus intermedius gloydi is a venomous pitviper subspecies found in Mexico in the states of Oaxaca and Puebla.

The subspecific name, gloydi, is in honor of American herpetologist Howard K. Gloyd.

This subspecies can be identified by its scalation. It is characterized by having the postnasal scale in broad contact with the first supralabial scale. Also, the postnasal is usually not in contact with any other supralabial scale.

Crotalus intermedius gloydi is found in Mexico, in south, central and northern Oaxaca, as well as in central Puebla.

The type locality given is "Cerro San Felipe (elevation 10,000 ft. [= 3,048 m]) near [15 km northwest of] Oaxaca, Oaxaca, Mexico".

