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Curtis Reed (Home and Away)

Curtis Reed
Curtis Reed (Home and Away).jpg
Home and Away character
Portrayed by Shane Ammann
Duration 1994–1997
First appearance 16 September 1994
Last appearance 15 April 1997
Introduced by Andrew Howie
Classification Former; regular
Occupation Student

Curtis Reed is a fictional character from the Australian soap opera Home and Away, played by Shane Ammann. He made his first appearance during the episode broadcast on 16 September 1994. He was introduced alongside his adopted sister, Shannon Reed (Isla Fisher). He departed on 15 April 1997.

Ammann joined the cast of Home and Away in 1994, shortly after completing his role on Paradise Beach, along with co-star Isla Fisher to play the respective roles of Curtis and Shannon Reed.

Ammann left the serial in 1997 at a time many other cast members decided to quit their roles.

Curtis has a brief relationship with exchange student Laura Bonetti (Claudia Buttazonni). When she arrives in Summer Bay, both Curtis and his friend Jack Wilson (Daniel Amalm) develop a crush on Laura. Laura initially befriends Jack, but when he realises that she is using him as "a go-between" to get to Curtis, the boys fall out. Victoria Ross of Inside Soap observed that before long it emerges that Laura is "completely bonkers!" Ammann said Curtis is "pretty easily led" and that as he is smitten with Laura, it does not take much for her to lead him astray. Laura persuades Curtis to hide in a supermarket with her, until it is closed and they are alone. However, neither of them realise that they have been caught on CCTV cameras. Although they both wore balaclavas, Curtis worries that he will be identified and arrested. Ammann explained, "Although Curtis gets involved in playing out lots of dares, he eventually realises that he's doing something wrong and that the supermarket prank is the final straw. So when he finds out that the police are getting involved he's full of remorse."

Curtis also has a romance with Selina Cook (Tempany Deckert). Ammann was forced to take leave from the show when he contracted chicken pox, upon his return it was suspected he had glandular fever. Producers forced co-star Deckert to have a blood test after they shared many kissing scenes. Upon their return the amount of intimate scenes between the two was intentionally reduced.

