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Czech Reformed Church

The Hussites (Czech: Husité or Kališníci; "Chalice People") were a pre-Protestant Christian movement which began in the Kingdom of Bohemia and followed the teachings of Czech reformer Jan Hus, who became the best known representative of the Bohemian Reformation.

Hussites emerged as majority Utraquist with a significant Taborite faction, and smaller regional ones that included Adamites, Orebites and Orphans. After the Council of Constance lured Jan Hus in with a letter of indemnity, then tried him for heresy and put him to death at the stake on 6 July 1415, the Hussites fought the Hussite Wars (1420–1434) for their religious and political cause. After the Hussite Wars ended, the Catholic-supported Utraquist side came out victorious from conflict with the Taborites and became the most common representation of the Hussite faith in Bohemia. Catholics and Utraquists were emancipated in Bohemia after the religious peace of Kutná Hora in 1485.

Hussites were one of the most important forerunners of the Protestant Reformation. This predominantly religious movement was propelled by social issues and strengthened Czech national awareness. Hussitism spread from Bohemia into the Lands of the Bohemian Crown that included Silesia and Moravia. Bohemia, or what is now territory of the Czech Republic, remained majority Hussite for two centuries until Roman Catholicism was reimposed by the Holy Roman Emperor after the 1620 Battle of White Mountain during the Thirty Years' War.

