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DHI (company)

DHI, previously known as DHI - Institut for Vand og Miljø (DHI – Institute for Water and Environment), is an international software development and engineering consultant firm headquartered in Denmark which specializes in hydraulic and hydrological modeling software. Originating in an institute founded in 1964, DHI has about 30 offices throughout the world, with software development centres in Singapore and Hørsholm, Denmark, and approximately 1100 employees.

DHI takes its name from the acronym of the Dansk Hydraulisk Institut (Danish Hydraulic Institute), which was founded in 1964 by the Technical University of Denmark as Vandbygningsinstituttet (The Institute of Water Production) and changed its name in 1971; DHI - Institut for Vand og Miljø was formed in 2000 by the merger of that with Vandkvalitetsinstituttet (The Institute for Water Quality), and in 2005 further merged with the Dansk Toksikologi Center (Danish Toxicology Centre) and simplified its name to DHI.

While independent, DHI is associated with the Danish Academy of Technical Sciences () and maintains a partnership with the United Nations Environment Programme focused on management of water resources. DHI's 2015 corporate revenue was about €119.5M. Its headquarters are in Hørsholm; another centre is in Singapore. Among its recent consulting projects as of 2016 are a study of the causes of the 2011 flooding in Grantham, Queensland, Australia, an analysis of five Himalayan rivers as part of the Uttarakhand Disaster Recovery Project and research on effects of planned dams on the River Mekong.

