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Dameo is a strategy board game for two players invented by Christian Freeling in 2000. It is a variant of the game draughts (or checkers) and is played on an 8×8 checkered gameboard.

Dameo owes much of its existence to the game Croda invented in 1995 by Ljuban Dedić of Croatia, Associate Professor of Mathematics at the University of Split and the 1989 International Checkers champion of the former Yugoslavia. Croda, the result of a search for the checkers variant with the smallest percentage of draws, is itself a variation of Turkish draughts. Dameo differs from Croda in its initial setup and number of men, enhanced movement of kings, and the addition of linear movement of a line of men.

In Dameo:

Other than the above, the rules for Dameo can be taken directly from those for international draughts (checkers). For convenience, these have been summarized below. (Else see International draughts#Rules.)


