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Dansen is a short play by German playwright and dramatist Bertolt Brecht (1898–1956) written in 1939. Although not as widely recognized and produced due to its short length, the play is a good representation both of Brecht's writing style and political beliefs. It serves as an allegory for the actions of European countries during World War II via the experiences of the pig farmer Dansen as he deals with a stranger who is terrorizing local business owners.

Brecht wrote this short play, as well as the very similar How Much Is Your Iron?, while seeking refuge in Denmark and Sweden from the fear of persecution under Nazism. At the time of writing, Germany had annexed Poland and Czechoslovakia following the principle of appeasement that Western powers hoped would keep Adolf Hitler from expanding further.

The character of Dansen represents Switzerland, as made clear by the red rag with a white cross (i.e. the Swiss flag) he uses to wipe his face. He is assured that the existing contracts between himself and the others in the community will maintain their peace. This belief is representative of Switzerland’s neutrality during the onset of the war. The Stranger, representing Nazi Germany, opposes him in breaking these contracts, invading the businesses of his neighbors, killing them, and replacing the businesses with German owners. Brecht is direct about this allegory, making clear allusions in the text. For example, when The Stranger asks what Dansen did in the club he and the other business owners were a part of, Dansen replies that they “play cards. [They] played cards at non-intervention.”

