Dietitians of Canada (DC) is the professional association for dietitians representing 6,000 members at the local, provincial and national levels. The association is governed by a Board of Directors elected by members and is one of the largest organizations of food and nutrition professionals in the world. Dietitians of Canada provides evidence-based food and nutrition information, supports easier access to adequate, safe and healthy food, promotes professional best practices and advocates for better access to dietitians to meet the health needs of Canadians. On behalf of PDEP, DC accredits Canadian dietetics education and training programs. They do not regulate the dietetics profession; this is the role of provincial dietetic regulatory bodies.
Dietitians are university educated and regulated health professionals. As evidence-based practitioners, dietitians translate complex scientific evidence into practical solutions to promote health and well-being. In Canada, dietitians practice in widely diverse settings. You will find dietitians working in community health centers, healthcare institutions, government at all levels, sports and recreation facilities, private practice, public health, health related non-governmental organizations, food service and the food industry, academic and research settings.
To use the title Registered Dietitian (RD) or Professional Dietitian (PDt), dietitians must be registered with the dietetic regulatory body in the Canadian province in which they practice. Dietitians have a university degree that has been accredited by PDEP and at least 1250 hours of supervised, hands-on training in food systems, disease management, population health, communications and counselling. Many have additional degrees or certificates. Ongoing professional development is not only a core value but a requirement. Dietitians must pass a registration exam to become a regulated professional (except in Quebec). The title ‘dietitian’ is protected by law, just like physician, nurse or pharmacist. In contrast, ‘nutritionist’ is not a protected title – that means anyone can use it (except in Nova Scotia and Quebec). In Alberta, Registered Nutritionist is protected.