For Dinesh Sharma the Indian actor see Dinesh Sharma (actor) For Dinesh Sharma the Indian politician see Dinesh Sharma
Dinesh Sharma is a social scientist in the fields of human rights, leadership and globalization. He is the author of "Barack Obama in Hawaii and Indonesia: The Making of a Global President" and “The Global Hillary" and the co-editor (with Uwe P. Gielen) of "The Global Obama: Crossroads of Leadership in the 21st Century.
Sharma graduated from Harvard University in 1996 with a Doctorate (Ph.D). in Psychology and Human Development and with training in Cultural Anthropology. He completed a NIMH Post-Doctoral Fellowship in 1999 at Columbia University. Prior to his time at Harvard, he received his Bachelor of Arts in Psychology (1986) and Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology from Loyola University in Chicago, Illinois (1990).
Sharma has served since 2003 as a senior fellow at the Institute for International and Cross-Cultural Research at St. Francis College in New York City. He is an Associate Research Professor (Hon.) at the Institute of Global Cultural Studies, Binghamton University, where he teaches at the Department of Human Development in Harpur College. Sharma also teaches a course at Fordham University at Lincoln Center entitled, “The UN and Global Leadership” (a class also previously taught by Ambassador T. Hamid al Bayati). The course delves into the intricate consensus process at the United Nations, a part of the organizational leadership program.