Directorate General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology or "DG Connect" is a Directorate-General of the European Commission. DG Connect is responsible for managing the Digital Agenda.
The current commissioner in charge is Andrus Ansip and the Director-General is Roberto Viola.
On 1 July 2012 DG Connect replaced the DG for Information Society & Media (DG INFSO). The mission will also change and large staff cuts are foreseen (from 1 January 2013 a substantial part of the ex-INFSO agenda will be externalised). DG INFSO was previously known as DG XIII. Until 2004, the DG shared Commissioner with DG Enterprise.
From January 2005, DG Information Society was expanded to include Media (formerly under DG Education and Culture). DG INFSO deals with research, policy and regulation on the areas of information and communication technology and media. Its regulation has cultural, societal and economic objectives, and covers some of the largest economic sectors in Europe, as well as some of the most visible. The DG is however not responsible for some general economic and market issues central to information society policies like intellectual property issues.
DG Connect is one of the larger DGs in the European Commission with around 1100 employees in Brussels and Luxembourg, and around one fifth of the total EU research budget. A significant part of its activities is devoted to research in areas where it can provide stimulus and support to Member State research, including coordination, co-operation, standardisation and long-term basic research activities.
Significant staff cuts were planned for 2014.
Official websites: