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Discrete valuation ring

In abstract algebra, a discrete valuation ring (DVR) is a principal ideal domain (PID) with exactly one non-zero maximal ideal.

This means a DVR is an integral domain R which satisfies any one of the following equivalent conditions:

Let Z(2) := { zn : z, nZ, n odd }. Then the field of fractions of Z(2) is Q. Now, for any nonzero element r of Q, we can apply unique factorization to the numerator and denominator of r to write r as 2kzn, where z, n, and k are integers with z and n odd. In this case, we define ν(r)=k. Then Z(2) is the discrete valuation ring corresponding to ν. The maximal ideal of Z(2) is the principal ideal generated by 2, and the "unique" irreducible element (up to units) is 2.

Note that Z(2) is the localization of the Dedekind domain Z at the prime ideal generated by 2. Any localization of a Dedekind domain at a non-zero prime ideal is a discrete valuation ring; in practice, this is frequently how discrete valuation rings arise. In particular, we can define rings for any prime p in complete analogy.

